In The Queen of Grants: From Teacher to Grant Writer to CEO, Libby Hikind details her journey from a teacher to a grant writer to the CEO of GrantWatch. As you trace her journey to becoming both CEO and a media personality, you'll observe her courage and the unforeseen twists and turns that led her to the present day. This narrative will inspire confidence in your own ability to navigate the grant-seeking and grant-writing process.
This book is structured into five sections and goes beyond mere theory by providing practical insights into crafting each part of a grant application. Each segment is enriched with anecdotes, lessons learned, and practical advice. Furthermore, there is a dedicated section featuring model responses for various components commonly found in grant applications
Grant of $60,000 to Washington, DC nonprofit organizations, universities, educational institutions, and businesses to provide cycling programming for youth in eligible regions. Funding is intended for projects that instruct youth on bicycle safety and maintenance, expos
Grants of up to $15,000 to Washington, DC nonprofit organizations, community groups, and schools for programs that benefit residents in eligible locations. Funding is intended for projects within the focus areas of education, youth, arts and culture, social services, an
Grants of up to $85,000 to Washington, DC businesses and nonprofit humanities organizations in eligible communities to improve commercial corridors. The purpose of funding is to attract new businesses, support existing businesses, create new job opportunities, and incre
Grants to Washington, DC businesses for projects to enhance eligible commercial areas. The purpose of the program is to support capital improvements to businesses within the industrial sector. Eligible applicants have core operations within the light manufacturing indus
Grants of up to $20,000 to Washington, DC emerging businesses to transition to permanent retail locations within eligible regions. The purpose of the grant program is to encourage business expansion, foster job creation, activate vacant spaces, and deliver essential ret
Grants to Washington, DC nonprofit organizations for economic development projects and cultural activities in eligible locations. Funding is intended to provide funds for qualifying nonprofits that support small businesses, including restaurants, retailers, and neighbor
Grants to Washington, DC public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, community and faith-based groups, schools, and IHEs to expose youth to careers in finance. Funding is intended for the creation and management of a structured program for youth ages 16-1
Grants of up to $50,000 to Washington, DC nonprofit and for-profit organizations, including secondary and post-secondary institutions, for summer work programs for local youth. Funding is intended for programs that expose youth to different career opportunities, while a
Grant to a Washington, DC nonprofit or for-profit organization to provide summer work experience to local youth. The purpose of this program is to administer a structured program that will give youth exposure to jobs in the finance industry, as well as professional deve
Grants for Washington DC nonprofit organizations, for-profit entities, community, and faith-based groups, as well as schools for programs to manage a fellowship program for recent college graduates. The program is designed to help the graduates move into in-demand publi